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Man sat with his chin on his hands. Another person out of frame is taking notes

Evidence suggests these steps can improve your mental health and well-being. Trying them could help you feel more positive and get the most out of life.

Connect with other people

In today's busy world, finding the time or energy for close relationships can be difficult.

But finding ways in which you and your friends can connect with one another is vital if we want our mental well-being! Your socia

l network provides a sense of belonging that encourages self-worth and sharing positive experiences with each other when they occur.

The journey towards growth can be difficult, but it's not all alone. You will always have people who care for you no matter what


  • Take time each day to be with your family. For example, try arranging a fixed time to eat dinner together.

  • Arrange a day out with friends you've not seen for a while

  • Try switching off the TV to talk or play a game with your children, friends or family.

  • Have lunch with a colleague

  • Visit a friend or family member who needs support or company.

  • Volunteer at a local school, hospital or community group. Find out how to volunteer on the GOV.UK website

  • Make the most of technology to stay in touch with friends and family. Video-chat apps like Skype and FaceTime are helpful, especially if you live far apart.


  • Rely on technology or social media alone to build relationships. It's easy to get into the habit of only ever texting, messaging or emailing people.

Be physically active

The benefits of being active are endless!

Not only can it help you stay fit and healthy, but research shows that physical activity has a chemical effect on your brain to change how you feel.

You'll be happier with yourself if the goal is met or the challenge accomplished. This will make up for any negative self-talk we might tell ourselves when things don't go our way.

Being physically fit isn't just great for improving health—it also enhances mental well beings by boosting confidence levels and helping people set goals they may otherwise never achieve


  • Find free activities to help you get fit

  • If you have a disability or long-term health condition, find out about getting active with a disability

  • Start running wi th things like couch to 5k podcasts

  • Find out how to start swimming, cycling or dancing

  • Find out about getting started with exercise


  • don't feel that you have to spend hours in a gym. It's best to find activities you enjoy and make them a part of your life

Learn new skills

Learning is a life-long process. In fact, the more you learn and explore new things in your personal or professional lives can lead to greater mental well being as it will boost confidence levels with yourself.

There are so many ways to learn - from taking up an instrument for leisure to studying at the university level.

The important thing here isn't simply what tool they choose but rather having something worth investing time into. Even if these activities may seem overwhelming now (or ever), just think back over how much has changed since starting this path three years ago?


  • Try learning to cook something new.

  • Try taking on a new responsibility at work, such as mentoring a junior staff member or improving your presentation skills

  • Work on a DIY project, such as fixing a broken bike, garden gate or something more significant. There are many f ree video tutorials online

  • Consider signing up for a course at a local college. You could try learning a new language or a practical skill, such as plumbing

  • Try new hobbies that challenge you, such as writing a blog, taking up a new sport or learning to paint


  • Don't feel you have t o learn new qualifications or sit exams if this doesn't interest you. It's best to find activities you enjoy and make them a part of your life

Give to others

The science is clear - when you give to others, it can help improve your mental well-being.

Whether the act is small or large (or anything in between!), acts of kindness have been shown time and again as an excellent way for people from all walks of life to find meaning through contributing something good towards another person's happiness!.

Some examples of the things you could try include:

  • saying thank you to someone for something they've done for you

  • asking friends, family or colleagues how they are and listening to their answer

  • spending time with friends or relatives who need support or company

  • offering to help someone you know with DIY or a work project

  • volunteering in your community, such as helping at a school, hospital or care home

Pay attention to the present moment (mindfulness)

Mindfulness is a technique that can help you be more in the moment and enjoy life. You'll feel better about yourself, and your thoughts/feelings will also improve because mindfulness's effect on our body awareness leads to improved mental health overall!

A moment of mindfulness is when we eat or engage with our loved ones without thinking about how long it takes us to finish a task at work. These small enterprises have a lot of benefits when done consistently over time (and sometimes in multiple ways).

What do you do to look after your mental health? Share below and help others.

Steven Whittle - Tough to Talk Founder and advocate for male suicide prevention


Steve Whittle is the heart and soul of TOUGH TO TALK. He's all about creating real, effective solutions for men who need help and making sure donations make a big impact.

Steve's dedication helps turn tough situations into hopeful ones.

In a world where men are often told to "be strong" and hide their pain, Steve knows this approach doesn't work. He's been there and understands how hard it can be to talk about what's really going on. That's why he started TOUGH TO TALK – to break down those barriers and give men a place to open up without fear of judgment.

Steve is committed to changing how we talk about men's mental health, making sure no one has to struggle alone.

Please leave your comments below and if you want to share your own stories or articles here then please email it, along with supporting photographs and a basic bio to



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